Total Wellness
What's Total Wellness?
There are three types of wellness. Physical wellness, mental/emotional wellness, and social wellness. Physical wellness is how you take care of your body. This includes your exercise, nutrition, and hygiene. Mental/Emotional wellness is how you think, feel, and act. This type of wellness determines how you handle stress and make choices. Social wellness is how you interact with people in social situations. This includes everyone from your parents to your friends to complete strangers. Total wellness is when you are healthy in all three types of wellness.
Why is Wellness Important?
Two factors that are used to evaluate your health are life expectancy and quality of life. Your life expectancy is how long you are expected to live. The quality of your life is the overall satisfaction you get from your life. Your physical, mental/emotional, and social wellness are used to determine these factors, therefore evaluating your health by evaluating your wellness.
More Details on the Different Types of Wellness
Physical wellness is taking care of yourself. Exercising, staying nutritious, and having good hygiene can all help you improve your physical wellness. Having good physical wellness can help you fight off diseases, too.
Mental wellness is being comfortable with people around you, your surroundings, and yourself. Emotional wellness is how you react to events throughout your life. Having good mental and emotional wellness can help you handle stress. If you do not handle stress well, this can lead to under or over-eating, the exhaustion stage of stress (which is where things really start being horrible for your health), and bad defense mechanisms (such as yelling at others for no reason). Being positive and getting enough sleep can help you improve your mental and emotional wellness and deal with stress.
Social wellness is the ability to understand and meet the needs of others as well as the ability to interact and listen to others. You can improve your social wellness by taking care of yourself, including good hygiene and a healthy diet. Acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, not judging others, taking responsibility for your mistakes, listening to others, and honoring your commitments also help you improve your social wellness.
Works Cited
Information from Personal Fitness and Wellness Canvas:
Picture from Researchgate:
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