

    There is no one food that contains every nutrient you need for a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition requires a balance of all the foods you eat, and they should contain the nutrients you need.


    Obesity is when your body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, breathing problems, and sleeping issues. A regular exercise routine and healthy eating habits can help decrease body weight and it will help if you are obese.

Eating Healthy

    In order to have a good diet, you want to choose nutrient-rich foods. Proteins should be 10%-35% of your caloric intake. Carbohydrates should be 45%-65% of your caloric intake. Fats should be 20%-35% of your caloric intake. You want to avoid foods that have a lot of calories but little nutrients. When getting something to eat, be sure to read the nutrition facts so you can find out what the serving size is.

Advertisements and Price

    There are many foods advertised, and marketers know how to make you buy them. Things like soda have great ads that make you want to buy them, but really, they are horrible for your health. Be sure to pay attention to the balance of nutrients and calories in foods instead of just what the ad tells you. 

    Healthy food can also be pricier than unhealthy food. If you need it to be cheaper, watch for sales on things like meat.

Fad Diets

    A fad diet promises weight loss through a very unhealthy/unbalanced diet. They claim you are losing fat, but really, you are losing water weight. Health risks of these unbalanced diets include dehydration, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headaches, constipation, and inadequate vitamin and mineral intake.

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